



Le Valentia Residence Valence
A 85 accomodations residence within a contemporary style and functional design;A modern architecture, associated with an original design make Le Valentia a unique location in Valence.
From one week to several months.

Le Valentia Hotel Valence
A hotel with 27 rooms and suites, whether for one night or more;A contemporary style and functional design;A modern architecture, associated with an original design make Le Valentia a unique location in Valence

カンパニールホテル-Les-Valences[Campanile Hotel Valence Bourg-Les-Valences]
Pour unehalteouunséjouràValence、votreHôtelCampanileréunittouslesavantages。Non loin de l'autoroute、àquelqueskilomètresduVignobleSt Joseph、de Romans la Capitale de la chaussure ou encore des Gorgesdel'Ardèche、pour le travail ouladétente、voustrouverez-làunpied-à-terreidéal。